
Tickets for the virtual stream of Dr. Harriton 2023 can be easily purchased via our online store.

The screenshots below may show 2022’s ticket page, but the instructions are exactly the same!

You can always contact [email protected] with any questions, comments, or concerns!

Purchasing Tickets

  1. Head over to the ticket product page: Dr. Harriton 2023 Tickets.
  2. Add a ticket to your cart and you will be taken to the cart summary page, similar to this:
  3. Select “Proceed to Checkout” and fill in all of the billing information accurately.
    PLEASE NOTE: If you have purchased any item from us in the past (such as a donation OR previous Dr. Harriton ticket), you may already have an account. You can use the “Click here to login” button, circled below, to login to your account, which will prefill all the billing information.
  4. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you fill in a correct and valid email address as your email will be needed to access the live stream portal!
  5. At the bottom, select the checkbox confirming you agree to the terms and conditions, then select “Place Order”. You will be taken to our payment processor, PayPal, to complete your transaction.
  6. Once you have completed the transaction with PayPal, select “Return to Merchant” and you will be brought to your order summary
  7. The order summary includes important information (including a link back to this guide!) and will also be emailed to you.

The next section covers how to set a password, which is needed in order to access your account and the video streaming portal.

Setting a Password

This section is only applicable to you if did not login to an existing account during the purchase process.

  1. At the email you entered, you will receive an email containing a link to set your password, similar to this one:
  2. If you do not receive this email, please try resetting your password.
  3. If after requesting a password reset, you still do not receive this email, please contact [email protected] so that we may make sure you have access to your account.
  4. Click the link in the email to set your password. Input your desired password and press save.

The final section in this guide will cover how to access the video streaming portal

Accessing the Streaming Portal

The streaming portal will be available for testing in the time leading up to the show during certain hours. On the day of the show, the streaming portal will switch to the live show instead of the test.

  1. The video portal can be accessed here: Video Portal. This link was also included in your purchase receipt.
  2. When you attempt to visit the video portal, you may see the following message:
  3. If you do, select login and login with the email you used during your purchase and the password you set.
  4. You will then be taken to the video portal page, where you can see the current stream. Verify that you able to connect to the stream (if it is live) and see no error messages. If you do experience a problem, please email [email protected] so that the problem can be corrected.

That’s it! We will see you on February 24th at 7:00PM and we hope you enjoy the show! Remember you can always contact [email protected] with any questions, comments, or concerns!

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